theWord Premium Module Reviews
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The new NICNT Commentary on Romans by Douglas Moo (hereafter simply referred to as “NICNT Romans”) is a great addition to the TW library. Douglas Moo has written a technical commentary that is academically reachable by those untrained but willing to exert a little bit of brainpower. This is not true for most academic works. Moo is to be applauded for writing content with such depth in a style with such breadth.
Typical of a Costas Sergiou premium module, NICNT Romans works well with TW. It should be noted that this module is the flagship of a brand new hybrid module developed by Costas for TheWord. It is a “General Book (.gbk)” format with all of the clickable advantages of a “Commentary (.cmt).” More on that in a minute.
Take a look at Screenshot #1. This screenshot shows the amount of background material included in this commentary. The big red box shows the content of the background material, and the small red box (the one over the slider) shows you the amount of material simply related to the theme of Romans. As you can see, Moo has included a tremendous amount of material. And Costas has formatted it to be easily accessible.
Now look at Screenshot #2. The advantages of a hybrid module now come fully to light. When I click on Rom 3:19 in the Bible window, the hybrid module immediately moves to the correct point in the hybrid commentary. I can easily see where I am in the broad outline of the work, yet the exact verse by verse commentary also appears in the window. This is how Bible software is supposed to work! Of course footnotes are also popup; and there are a ton of them in this commentary. (NOTE: “mouseovering” is not shown in the screenshot.)
NICNT Romans is $39.95 formatted for TheWord. Why so much? Well, it’s one of the
finest commentaries available on Romans -
This TW summary review is by Dr. David S. Thomason. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.
DDT TW Rating
Great Resource for Everyone