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DoctorDaveT’s T3/T4 Instructions

e-Sword Scripture ToolTip Tool


{NOTE: As of 5/16/2012, these instructions are a little out of date, but still quite useful. Brent (the creator of the T3 software) has created an updated module program called “eSword Scripture ToolTip Tool NT” - otherwise known as “T4.” These instructions will basically work for both programs - T3 & T4.


For more information on how to use T4 - which is very similar to how T3 works (just has better .rtf controls that match what eSword can do), there is a complete instructional .pdf manual included with this download for T4.}


The e-Sword Scripture ToolTip Tool - often referred to as "T3" - is a third party eS resource that will take a block of text and convert all of it's Scripture references into eSword tooltips. It will then take the block of text and automagically create an eSword module for you. For module creators, this is your Swiss Army Knife - and not just the one that trims your fingernails! This gadget is chock full of incredibly useful features!


This page is going to focus on only two important features of T3:




But understand this: T3 also can make




By the way - once you've created your own .notx file, you're only one step away from converting it to a .cmtx file using BeST - see "Chapter 10 - eSword Tools" for more on BeST.


If you’re interested in building these other modules, you’ll want to study the help materials at the download page for T3, which is right here.


Brent Hildebrand is the creator of this 8th Wonder of the World! And his download page includes lots of help information, including a .pdf file, a powerpoint presentation, sample .rtf files, and nice online instructions with graphics. Take the time to review his materials - you'll be glad you did!



The Visible Elements of T3


First, notice that there are two windows: the upper window is where all of the editing of text will occur; the lower window is where T3 reports ToolTipping results.


Secondly, you’ll also notice that the interface is similar to a word processor. T3 is basically a glorified word processor - but the glorification is wonderful!


Third, on the editing bar, find the color button. T3 will use whatever color is currently active for new typing and editing. For the typical user, you’ll only use two colors: black for editing text, and forest green for ToolTipping. There is no need to use most of the other colors for the vast majority of T3 work.


Fourth, you’ll find the menu options across the menu bar - again, looking much like a word processor. You’ll want to read all of the help material that comes with T3 (this module you’re currently reading is not T3's help information). This module will only focus on the steps necessary to build .topx and .devx modules.


Finally - notice the two buttons at the bottom of the page. The “e-Sword ToolTips” button will automagically convert references to the format eSword uses to Tooltip it’s references. The “Full Book Name” button will convert abbreviations to fully spelled out names - but eSword will not recognize this format. The typical user will only use the “e-Sword ToolTips” button.



Using .rtf Files


You can try copying and pasting from your word processor directly into T3's upper editing window, but T3 will directly open Rich Text Format (.rtf) files.


Just about every word processor on the market can easily convert it’s unique code to .rtf. Here’s how:


1. Choose “Save As” instead of “Save” from the File menu


2. Change file type to “.rtf”


3. Name it something unique


4. Make sure you put it in a folder you’ll easily remember. I keep all of my .rtfs that I’m currently working on right on the desktop in a folder called “eS Tools”. Inside that folder is another called “Modules Under Construction” - and that’s where all of the .rtf files go. Perhaps you could put yours in your “My Documents” folder (that probably makes better sense anyway...).


5. Once you’ve created your .rtf file, simply “Open” it in T3.



T3 Codes


This section is the hardest part of using T3. Study it carefully: it will reap rich dividends when understood and implemented!


[When kindly proofreading this chapter for me, Brent Hildebrand sent me this note on 2/9/2010 - "Oh - also, the PDF file and samples will be in the Setup file and available in the directory where you install T3.  I'll see about putting links to separate files on the e-SU node." So you should easily find his samples wherever you initially installed T3.]




1. Building The Prefix


If you are going to build a .topx module with more than one chapter, you are going to want to utilize Brent’s “prefix codes.” At the top of the document, include this line:


#def prefix=A #2


In this code:


**“A” is whatever text you want to have in each chapter title of the eSword drop down box. In this example, chapters will look like -


00.1-A{Text Title Preliminary Chapter 1}

00.2-A{Text Title Preliminary Chapter 2}

01-A{Text Title Real Chapter 1}

02-A{Text Title Real Chapter 2}



In practical application, this part of the code will not be used for most users. In other words - skip the letter after the "=" sign and go straight o the second "#" sign, like this:


#def prefix=#2


**The “#” symbol calls for numbering of chapters to happen automagically. Brent has designed this very nicely; if there are more than 9 chapters in the document, it will automagically place a zero placeholder in all chapter numbers lower than 10. That way, e-Sword will continue to order those chapters correctly.


**The number immediately following the second “#” symbol (in this example, “2”) tells how many preliminary chapters there are prior to the text’s “Chapter One” - like Forewards, Copyright Information, Tables of Contents, etc. These preliminary chapters will begin with “00.1”, “00.2”, etc. So in this example, there are 2 preliminary chapters, which will be numbered "0.1 and 0.2" (if less than 10 other chapters) or "00.1 and 00.2" (if 10 or more other chapters).


Here is an example of building a .topx module with an Introduction, Copyright, Table of Contents. We are not interested in repeating any text at the beginning of the drop down box.


#def prefix=#3


This example will create three preliminary chapters (00.1, 00.2, & 00.3), to be followed by as many chapters as I want to include.


2. Setting Chapter Marks


T3 uses marks to automagically create chapter titles in e-Sword. Every line in T3 that is marked will become a chapter title; the text under the mark and until the next mark will become the body of the chapter.


To set a mark on any given line, go to the menu: “Marks ?Set Mark” (or Ctrl+m). You’ll see the mark at the beginning of the line (a division symbol outlined in red; NOTE - I can’t replicate that symbol: I’m going to use this symbol instead ✡?; whenever you see a ✡?, pretend it looks like a division symbol highlighted in red. Can you do that? I knew you could!!).


T3 will convert every section separated with that ✡? into it’s own chapter; and the line that has the ✡? beginning will become the entry for the eS drop down box. Here’s an example:


#def prefix=#3



blah, blah, blah


✡?Copyright Information


This file was originally copyrighted in 1417. It is now public domain.


✡?Table of Contents


  1. Blah, Blah 1

  2. Blah, Blah 2

  3. Blah, Blah 3

  4. Blah, Blah 4


 ✡?Blah, Blah 1


As much text of chapter 1 as there is - could be 100 pages!


 ✡?Blah, Blah 2


Chapter two text


 ✡?Blah, Blah 3


Chapter 3 text


 ✡?Blah, Blah 4


Chapter 4 text


When this text is converted to an e-Sword .topx module, there will be three preliminary chapters (in this example, the drop down boxes will read “00.1-Introduction”, “00.2-Copyright Information”, and “00.3-Table of Contents”) and four main chapters (in this example, “1-Blah, Blah 1” etc.).




1. Building the Prefix


If you are going to build a .devx module you’ll need to utilize Brent’s devotional “prefix codes.” There are 5 lines that go at the very beginning of the document:


#def description=

#def abbreviation=

#def comment=

#def version=

#def startday=


In this code:


#def description=


What comes after the “=” is what is displayed in the yellow popup box when the mouse hovers over the name tab in the Daily Devotional section of eSword.


#def abbreviation=


What comes after the “=” is the Tab Name of the Daily Devotional


#def comment=


What comes after the “=” is not visible in eSword and is for your use only


#def version=


What comes after the “=” is not visible in eSword and is for your use only


#def startday=


What comes after the “=” is the day before the day of the year the devotional will start. To start on January 1, use “0”. To start on February 1, use “31”. To start on March 1, use “59”, etc.


So, let's take a look at an example.


#def description=A year long devotional by Dr. David S. Thomason

#def abbreviation=D4

#def comment=second half of year needs some work

#def version=1

#def startday=0


In the above example,


The tab name for this devotional will simply be D4.


When the mouse hovers over the “D4” tab, the yellow popup banner will show “A year long devotional by Dr. David S. Thomason”


This devotional will begin on January 1 (which is the day after Day 0 in the year).


Comment and Version are for my use only! They will not be seen by any eS users.


2. Setting Chapter Marks


Marks are set identically as .topx modules; but each mark creates a different daily devotional. For a one year devotional module, you’ll need to create a file with 365 ✡? marks. Each ✡? will be followed by that day’s title on the same line as the mark. Then you will write the body of the daily devotional. Double space, and create the next day.




#def description=A year long devotional by Dr. David S. Thomason

#def abbreviation=D4

#def comment=second half of year needs some work

#def version=1

#def startday=0


✡?The Bible Stands


[...several paragraphs of devotional text....]


✡?The Christian Stands


[...several paragraphs of devotional text....]


✡?The Savior Stands


[...several paragraphs of devotional text....]


This will produce a .devx module called “D4” which will start on January 1. The entry for that day will be called “The Bible Stands.” January 2's entry will be “The Christian Stands,” and January 3's entry will be “The Savior Stands.” Of course, each day will have “[...several paragraphs of devotional text]”!



T3 Options

Make Sure You Understand These - & Your Text!


Under the "Options" menu you will find some helpful settings. Let's take a look at the Five most helpful optional settings you can use to "ToolTip" your document.




T3 arrives with this option OFF (unchecked). For the most part, leave it off.


What this option does (if turned on) is take two lines of text, like this:


John 3:



and removes the "Line Break" - sometimes called a "Hard Return" - so it can then ToolTip the reference. This will be most useful when working with a *.doc or *.rtf that was scanned and not typed. Scanned documents are notorious for having a "Line Break/Hard Return" at the end of every line, not just every paragraph like a normal word processor document.


When using this feature, you will find some weird formatting results (not T3's fault, but the document's fault!!).


If you formatted your text using your own word processor, you'll definintely want this setting OFF.




This feature comes ON (checked). eSword standard ToolTips are green and underlined. For the most part, this option should be left on (unless you want your ToolTips to be not underlined).




This feature comes OFF. Here is what Brent Hildebrand told me about this option (2/11/2010):


Remove Book References {}, is a very specialized option.... Suffice it to say, a lot of the work Shirley has done has references in for form of {COL 415.1}. COL being the book name abbreviation, 415 is the page number of the original printed work, and .1 being the first paragraph on the page.  Turning on this option removes braces {}, and everything in between.


In other words, for the typical user, leave this feature OFF.




When working with multiple Scripture references, T3 will initially underline an entire block with just one line; a second (double pass) will make each individual reference underlined.


This option comes ON, and the typical user will use it exclusively in the ON position.




This option comes ON, and let's leave it on! This very cool option will connect a string of disconnected references and ToolTip them together. Example: it will take this string of verses:


John 3:16, 17, 18, 20


and make these ToolTipped references: Joh_3:16-18, Joh_3:20


Nice, huh? T3 will even ToolTip across one chapter. Example: it will turn this


2Ti 3:16-4:4


into this - 2Ti_3:16-17; 2Ti_4:1-4


Really nice, huh?!!



Using T3 To Create a .topx Module


There are two basic methods for creating a .topx module using T3 (these names are mine, not Brents!):



"Cut and Paste" is probably a little easier to use for the beginner or computer novice; but once you learn how to do the "Whole File" method, it will be so much faster, you won't want to cut and paste ever again!


"Cut and Paste" Method


Here are the steps for "cutting and pasting" an eSword .topx module using T3.


1. Develop the text (see "Chapter 08 - Building Your Own Modules and Sharing Them" for more information on developing your text)


2. Open eSword. In e-Sword, select the "Topic Notes" tab in the commentary section. Then go to "File" and select "New." Once the dialogue box pops up, use this format for creating your module name: "AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName - Title." (eS will automatically append the ".topx" to the end of the file name.) Here's an example - "Thomason, Dr. David S. - Bible Preachin' Vol 50 Philippians". IMPORTANT NOTE: Confirm that the file has been placed in your MyDocuments/e-sword folder.


3. Select your word processor and open your first chapter (or the document that contains the first chapter). “Highlight” the first chapter, and then “copy” it (Ctrl-c). Do not close your word processor.


4. Select the Scripture Tooltip Tool. Inside the top window, "paste" (Ctrl-v) the first chapter.


[NOTE: if you are using this method, you will not have to use any of the T3 Codes discussed above....]


On the "options" menu confirm that the default "Highlight Color" is forest green. If not, select the appropriate grid. Go back to "options" and confirm that "Underline Tooltips" is set as default; if not, make it so.


At the bottom of the page, click "e-Sword Tooltips". Once that is done, verify your Scripture references are forest green and completely underlined (if not, make sure the color choice is “forest green,” and then try again).


If you need to make edits to the actual text, make sure you choose font color to be “black” before making text edits. If you have to run the ToolTip Tool again, make sure you choose “forest green” just prior to doing so.


PROBLEM: The tooltip tool occasionally makes mistakes - so pay close attention to the output work. There are 2 common errors to watch out for:




So, it may be necessary to "clean up" after running T3. Make a careful scan of all of your ToolTipped references in the bottom window. Here's a note from the T3 Creator, Brent Hildebrand:


When you click the ToolTip function, the bottom window will show you all the references.  The last digit, will be 1 or 0.  1 means it is a valid scripture reference.  0 means it sure looks like a scripture reference, but either the number of chapters or verses is not valid.  While not foolproof, it is helpful for finding errors. (Personal email correspondence from 2/1/2010.)


You can double-click the references in the lower window, and the upper window will move right to the selected reference. This feature makes it very easy to do "clean up." Please take the time to verify that every reference in the lower window ends with the number 1. Any reference ending with the number 0 is a bad reference that will need to be corrected. Double-click the reference, and the upper window will move directly to it for easy editing.


So once you’ve “tooltipped” a section, give it a careful scan, to make sure all of the tooltips are correct.


5. Take a look through the body of the text. You won't need to proofread again (the only text that is changed are Scripture references), but you will need to check that A) The Tooltips are correct; and B) paragraph white spaces are still intact. Once this formatting has been verified, "select all" and then "right click" for a menu. In that menu choose "Copy as RTF".


You are now ready to build the module in e-Sword. See “Chapter 08 - Building Your Own Modules And Sharing Them” for more information.


Follow the above steps for every individual chapter in your .topx module.


The “Whole File” Method


This method is only slightly more complicated than the “Cut and Paste” method - but it is oh! so much faster. Take a few minutes to learn and practice these steps; it may be the best time investment you’ll ever make!


1. Develop the text (see "Chapter 08 - Building Your Own Modules and Sharing Them" for more information on developing your text) for the entire module.


2. Convert your developed text to .rtf by using your Word Processor “Save As” and “File type” features (see above notes for how to do so).


3. Open the e-Sword Scripture Tooltip Tool. Choose “File➥?Open” and open your .rtf file. T3 has now opened your Whole File!


4. Insert all of the T3 “codes” and “marks” for your module (see above sections on “T3 Codes” for a complete explanation - with examples - on how to do this).


5. Just prior to ToolTipping, confirm that the “text color box” is green. Then, at the bottom of the page, click "e-Sword Tooltips". Once that is done, verify your Scripture references are forest green and completely underlined (if not, make sure the color choice is “forest green,” and then try again).


If you need to make edits to the actual text, make sure you choose font color to be “black” before making text edits. If you have to run the ToolTip Tool again, make sure you choose “forest green” just prior to doing so.


PROBLEM: The tooltip tool is not without it’s errors - so pay close attention to the work. There are 2 common errors to watch out for:




So, it may be necessary to "clean up" after running the tooltip tool. Make a careful scan of all of your tooltipped references in the bottom window. Here's a note from the Tooltip Creator, Brent Hildebrand:


When you click the ToolTip function, the bottom window will show you all the references.  The last digit, will be 1 or 0.  1 means it is a valid scripture reference.  0 means it sure looks like a scripture reference, but either the number of chapters or verses is not valid.  While not foolproof, it is helpful for finding errors. (Personal email correspondence from 2/1/2010.)


You can double-click the references in the lower window, and the upper window will move right to the selected reference. This feature makes it very easy to do "clean up." Please take the time to verify that every reference in the lower window ends with the number 1. Any reference ending with the number 0 is a bad reference that will need to be corrected.


So once you’ve “ToolTipped”, give it a careful scan, to make sure all of the ToolTips are correct.


6. Take a look through the body of the text. You won't need to proofread again (the only text that is changed are Scripture references), but you will need to check that A) The Tooltips are correct; and B) paragraph white spaces are still intact.


 7. Once your “Whole File” is proofread and the layout is exactly how you want it, you are ready to actually do the module build - and it is really easy!


From the “Modules” menu, choose “Topics ➥? Save TOPX File”. Navigate to the folder where you want to make your .topx module (most users will choose “C:\...\My Documents\e-Sword” and then choose your file name, using this system:


AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName AuthorMiddleInitial. - Complete Title





T3 will automatically append the “.topx” suffix to the end of the file.


8. Open eSword (close it first if it was already open, and then reopen it), and verify that your brand spanking new .topx module is available. Proofscan every chapter for proper formatting.


The hardest part about the “Whole File” method is the prefix codes. Once you’ve got that figured out, it really is “easy as pie.” Apple Crunch Pie, that is!! (mmmmmmmmmm!!)


Don't forget to upload the file to the internet for worldwide publication! See Chapter "08 - Building Your Own Modules & Sharing Them" for more information.



Using T3 To Create a .devx Module


This method is very similar to creating a .topx module using the “Whole File” method. Here are the basic steps:


1. Develop the text (see "Chapter 08 - Building Your Own Modules and Sharing Them" for more information on developing your text) for the entire module.


2. Convert your developed text to .rtf by using your Word Processor “Save As” and “File type” features (see above notes for how to do so).


3. Open the e-Sword Scripture Tooltip Tool. Choose “File➥?Open” and open your .rtf file. T3 has now opened your Whole File!


4. Insert all of the T3 “codes” and “marks” for your module (see above sections on “T3 Codes” for a complete explanation - with examples - on how to do this).


5. Just prior to ToolTipping, confirm that the “text color box” is green. Then, at the bottom of the page, click "e-Sword Tooltips". Once that is done, verify your Scripture references are forest green and completely underlined (if not, make sure the color choice is “forest green,” and then try again).


If you need to make edits to the actual text, make sure you choose font color to be “black” before making text edits. If you have to run the ToolTip Tool again, make sure you choose “forest green” just prior to doing so.


PROBLEM: The tooltip tool is not without it’s errors - so pay close attention to the work. There are 2 common errors to watch out for:



So, it may be necessary to "clean up" after running the tooltip tool. Make a careful scan of all of your tooltipped references in the bottom window. Here's a note from the Tooltip Creator, Brent Hildebrand:


When you click the ToolTip function, the bottom window will show you all the references.  The last digit, will be 1 or 0.  1 means it is a valid scripture reference.  0 means it sure looks like a scripture reference, but either the number of chapters or verses is not valid.  While not foolproof, it is helpful for finding errors. (Personal email correspondence from 2/1/2010.)


You can double-click the references in the lower window, and the upper window will move right to the selected reference. This feature makes it very easy to do "clean up." Please take the time to verify that every reference in the lower window ends with the number 1. Any reference ending with the number 0 is a bad reference that will need to be corrected.


So once you’ve “tooltipped” a section, give it a careful scan, to make sure all of the tooltips are correct.


6. Take a look through the body of the text. You won't need to proofread again (the only text that is changed are Scripture references), but you will need to check that A) The Tooltips are correct; and B) paragraph white spaces are still intact.


 7. Once your “Whole File” is proofread and the layout is exactly how you want it, you are ready to actually do the module build - and it is really easy!


From the “Modules” menu, choose “Devotional ➥? Save Devotional File”. Navigate to “C:\Program Files\e-Sword” and then choose your file name, using this system:


AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName AuthorMiddleInitial. - Complete Title





T3 will automatically append the “.devx” suffix to the end of the file.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Windows Vista and 7 may not allow you to save a file directly to the “Program Files” folder. If this is an issue for you, here is a simple “Texas Two Step” to get around this:


1. Instead of saving the file to the “Program Files” folder, save it right to the desktop.


2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\e-Sword, and then “cut and paste” the file from Desktop to the Windows Explorer window.


3. Open eSword (close it first if it was already open, and then reopen it), and verify that your brand spanking new .devx module is available. Proofscan every chapter for proper formatting.


Congratulations! You’ve now created a devotional module! Make sure you read “Chapter 08 - Building Your Own Modules & Sharing Them” for information on how to share your new module with the rest of us in the eSword world!