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“Approaching God” by Paul Enns


TheWord’s Approaching God by Paul Enns is a daily devotional book which focuses on teaching Bible Doctrine. (What a great combination!) Every one of the nine major Bible Doctrines has daily readings at some point during the year. 5 minutes in TheWord with “Approaching God” will give you a great introduction to Systematic Theology on a very elementary level. By the way - I’ve written a comprehensive product review for Approaching God which can be read here. I would like to note that it is Dispensational & Reformed.


The daily devotional is laid out just how you’d expect it to be: by month and day. Simply click open the month, point at the day, and voila! There it is.


Take a look at the screenshot. You’ll be able to see that the readings are grouped into the nine major doctrinal segments, and that every segment has readings. Here you can see the reading for December 2, which is in the 9th and final doctrinal section: Eschatology. This day’s reading happens to be on The Rapture - one of my favorite topics.


You can purchase “Approaching God” by Paul Enns formatted for TheWord for only $16.95. It’s very well done - thanks, Costas. Want more information? Make sure you read my comprehensive review of this module.


This TW summary review is by Dr. David S. Thomason. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.

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